Release 4.1.1 - 7 November 2018

Release 4.1.1 - 7 November 2018

(Minor release)

Release Features - Customer

  • Added the ability to use email addresses containing special characters of ‘ and &.

Release Features - Road Manager


This release mainly focuses on improvements to the Conditions Library, aiming to build up the range of available conditions and condition sets for Road Managers. By adding filtering to automatically display sets of conditions based on vehicle configurations and a new tab for custom conditions, it is expected the process for applying conditions will be streamlined. This will benefit both Road Managers and Transport Operators.


CONDITIONS LIBRARY - Shared Condition Sets

The NHVR has invested a significant amount of time recently in building up the condition sets so that Road Manager can gain value out of using the library. As a result, the Regulator Module now includes the ability to share condition sets with Road Managers. By using the new filter options, the NHVR can now share condition sets commonly used for specific vehicles based on dimension, class and/or load.

For Road Managers, any conditions labelled as ‘shared’ are not able to be edited in the Conditions Library, however variables such as speed and bridge location can be edited once the condition is applied to the consent.

View the related Help Article.

CONDITIONS LIBRARY – Custom Conditions

Road Managers (Supervisors and above) can now add Custom Conditions to their Conditions Library. Any Custom Condition is available immediately to use on a consent, with Regulator ‘pending approval’ label.

The Custom Condition will be checked by the NHVR to make sure:

a)      It complies with the HVNL

b)      It’s not already covered in another law

c)      It complies with vehicle type

d)      The condition is relevant to the combination

e)      It is not a duplicate of another existing condition.


If approved by the NHVR, the Custom Condition will be added to your Conditions Library for use on future consents.

View the related Help Article.


  • Added functionality to the Policy Library, so that the NHVR can continue to build the pre-approvals available in the NHVR Portal. Going forward, the system will automatically apply any active pre-approvals to new, amended, renewal and expedited permit applications.  These changes support the Portal being able to manage pre-approvals in the future. For now, we are adding your pre-approvals into the library, so please continue to fill in the pre-approval form and email it to RM.Enquiries@nhvr.gov.au.

Download the Pre-approval Pack here:

https://www.nhvr.gov.au/road-access/local-government-road-managers/resources under Reference tools -> Pre-approval Pack

  • Added the ability to use email addresses containing special characters of ‘ and &.
  • A fix to the decision stage for renewals and amendments where a draft decision contains conditions. Currently, if the Road Manager selects “Approved” rather than “Approved with Conditions” and clicks back on the “Approved with Conditions” option, the conditions were removed. In this release, the “Approved” option will not be available where conditions already exist on the consent.
  • For renewals and amendments, the “period from” is currently empty. This will now be populated by the system to align with the current expiry date.

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