Release 4.6.0 - April 2019

Release 4.6.0 - April 2019

Register for the Webinar about this release (Thursday 11 April 11-12pm AEST)


Release Features

NHVR Portal (User: ALL/ Module: ALL)

[GLOBAL] Fix tours in Internet Explorer not working

Access Module (User: Customer)

Vehicle Configuration and detail

  • Dump Truck Axle group mass in portal cannot cater for more than 50 tonne
  • SPMP 4-30 axle GVM mass in portal cannot cater for more than 50 tonne
  • Fix caching of vehicle picture after the image has been deleted

UIUX (design and usability)

  • In all areas field ‘Customer reference’ is renamed to ‘Application nickname’ – based on feedback that customers were thinking we provided them with a reference number to include here.

  • Added number of attachments in brackets in each attachment section and list allowed file types on the Attachments page.

  • Move the ‘Additional comments’ field from the Confirmation Step, to the Contact page.

  • Change to the declaration wording from ‘I declare that I have read and agree to the Customer Portal Terms of Use’ to ‘I declare that I have read and agree to the NHVR Portal Terms of Use’.

  • Remove button to view disclaimer and replace with link on label
  • Change header from ‘Payment and submission’ to same header as application
  • Change payment details table, change successful payment page
  • On the side navigation, move from Access->Reports to Account->Reports

Registration Module (User: ALL)

Default settings for new users (REMINDER: recent change to settings in Release 4.5.2)

When an account administrator creates a new user, both Access and Registration modules will be selected by default. Previously, only the Access module was selected as the default module for new users. This resulted in a number of customers reporting they were not able to see the Registration module even though they had registered as a new user in the NHVR Portal. By changing the default to include both modules will help reduce users being confused about not seeing Registration in their menu options.

NEW Accreditation Module (User: ALL)

This release includes a significant amount of work in the background, preparing for the new Accreditation Module. As a result, some minor changes have been made to existing services in the NHVR Portal. These changes are described above.

Vehicle Standards Module (User: ALL)

This release includes a some work in the background, preparing for the new Vehicle Standards Module. As a result, some minor changes have been made to existing services in the NHVR Portal. These changes are described above.

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