Release 5.1.0 - August 2019

Release 5.1.0 - August 2019

Release Features (minor)

The NHVR Portal will be updated with Release 5.1.0 from 4pm on Thursday 15/8/2019.

If you are logged in after 4pm, please log out/ in for the update to take effect. After this you can start exploring the new features.

View the release number/ version to see if the update has been applied:

Check the Release Number/ Version


ACCESS MODULE - New Heavy Vehicle Network Layers (Users: All)

New map updates for Route Planner. The following states have provided data for their network layers, with date provided noted:

South Australia - 12/8/2019

Queensland - 30/7/2019

Victoria - 30/7/2019

New South Wales - 30/7/2019

ACCREDITATION (Beta) - Beta version now being tested by a limited number of users, with gradual rollout planned until October 2019.

Top 3 updates for Beta users:

  1. BETA label added ‘Accreditation’ on the side navigation
  2. Certificate now available for users to print
  3. Saved draft applications available to view

VEHICLE STANDARDS (Beta) - Beta version now being tested by a limited number of users, with gradual rollout planned until October 2019.

  1. BETA label added ‘Accreditation’ on the side navigation
  2. Conditions Library available for permit management
  3. Renewal function now available

RECAP - HOTFIX 5.0.1 –  Updated 1 August 2019

  • REGISTRATION MODULE - Improvements to the 'Registration Lookup' functionality (User: All)

    Registration records are now searched based on two fields of information; Vehicle ID and Registration Account ID. This will make sure that registration records for a vehicle are correct even if the vehicle has had a recent change of ownership (being bought or sold).

  • ACCESS MODULE - Bug fix on Consent status when re-generate consent (User: Road Manager)

    An issue was reported last week when re-generating consents after a road or route has been updated during the approvals process. In some cases the NHVR Portal was automatically sending the applications to the NHVR instead of the Road Manager and assigning the incorrect status to the case. These cases have been identified and the issue is resolved by the technical update in this release. 


    Vehicle Standards module (Beta Phase of new service) - Tyre Size added for an IPS application (User: Regulator)

    Access module - new e-signature block added to permit applications (User: Regulator)

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