Release 7.3.0 - 22 April 2020

Release 7.3.0 - 22 April 2020

The NHVR Portal will be updated with Release 7.3.0 from 4.00pm (AEST - Brisbane time) on Wednesday 22/04/2020.

View the release number/ version to see if the update has been applied: Check the Release Number/ Version

Check out our Webinar for Release 7.3.0

The Webinar provides highlights about this release along with video demonstrations on how this release will benefit you.


Release 7.3.0 - 22 April 2020


Customers can now upload a .csv file of their Vehicle list on an Amend Permit Vehicles application.

ACCESS - GIS - Heavy Vehicle Network Layers

Quality of Content in the Route Planner has been improved.

The Route Planner now reflects recent changes to heavy vehicle access. Users will see road access changes as well as point restrictions. More specifically, new layers for GML and HML 30m Road Trains in South Australia have been added for Route Planner; with the retirement (removal of) of South Australia's OSOM 23m, 49.5t Low Loader network (also known as Low Loader Level 3). Map updates have been  completed for Route Planner with the following state network layers refreshed:  South Australia (inc. Opening of the Northern Connector), Queensland; and Victoria.


Users will see the wording for the NHVR Portal's 'legal declaration' section has been amended to reflect if the Customer is a Company Director or a Legal Representative of the account.


Based on feedback from Customers, a new component category (Crane and Dolly) has been made available for use when applying for all application types.


As a result of a recent code release, administrators of State and Territory Road Manager accounts, will soon have the ability to provide individual users, within their account, the permission to view analytics reports, published by the NHVR.

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