Release 3.14.8 - March 2018 (Minor Update)

Release 3.14.8 - March 2018 (Minor Update)

Explore the new features of this release below:

Customer Module

No changes to the Customer Module in this release.

Road Manager Module

Add Custom Conditions (temporarily unavailable) - We are making improvements to the process of applying conditions to permits. In the interim, please attach a document with your custom conditions to or list them in the comments box for review. For a step-by-step guide on how to add custom conditions, see the Help Article - Adding standard and custom conditions.

Release FAQs

What is the update?

The NHVR is improving the process for Road Managers to apply permit conditions in the NHVR Portal. This involves updating the current permit conditions functionality in the Road Manager module.

How does this affect Road Managers?

To allow the improvements to be made, from Friday 30 March the ‘Add Custom Conditions’ tab will be temporarily disabled, resulting in a minor process change for Road Managers submitting custom conditions.

What improvements will Road Managers see?

The update will allow the NHVR to automatically apply relevant standard conditions to a permit on the initial consent request, including any standard conditions applied by state and territory jurisdictions. This will remove the burden on Road Managers to manually select standard conditions, reducing duplication and creating a smooth, automated process.

Will the process for applying standard conditions change?

No. Road Managers should continue to manually select the relevant standard conditions they wish to be applied to the permit in the Conditions Library.

How do Road Managers apply custom conditions during the update period?

Custom conditions can be added during the update while the ‘Add Custom Conditions’ tab is temporarily unavailable by:

-          adding an attachment (e.g. pdf) to the consent

-          listing the custom conditions in the comment box.

What will happen to custom conditions currently in the Conditions Library?

As part of the update, all custom conditions in the Conditions Library will be reviewed by the NHVR. If any issues are found, individual Road Managers will be contacted directly. In some cases, certain custom conditions may need to be updated or removed for legislative compliance.

Can custom conditions be submitted for review outside the consent process?

If you would like the NHVR to review your custom conditions separate to the consent process, you can submit them to RM.enquiries@nhvr.gov.au at any time. If approved, the NHVR will add your custom conditions to the Conditions Library.

Is help available?

If you have any questions or concerns about the improvements, you can contact the Road Manager Hotline 1300 880 493 or email RM.Enquiries@nhvr.gov.au. For a guide on how to apply custom conditions to a permit, see the Help Article - Adding standard and custom conditions.

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