Release 9.0.0 - 29 January 2021

Release 9.0.0 - 29 January 2021

The NHVR Portal will be updated with Release 9.0.0 from 4.00 pm (AEST - Brisbane time) on Friday 29/01/2021.

See if you're using the latest version of the portal by checking the Release Number/ Version.

Performance Based Standards

We're moving all our regulator services and functions into a common platform - providing one location for regulator service delivery.

The first phase of digitising PBS enables all applications to be submitted through the Portal by using either online forms or a spreadsheet submission tool.

This will mean:

  • Streamlined processing of applications with less manual handling,
  • New options to submit applications via browser or spreadsheet,
  • The ability to track the status of your cases.

Multiple rounds of customer feedback and testing have been performed to ensure the new submission process is fit for purpose, efficient and reliable.

These measures have been taken to establish confidence in the solution prior to the decommissioning of the email submission channel which will be turned off on the 1st February 2021.

Training and Support
We’ve provisioned extra resources to assist with training and help support requests while we work through this transition together. As with all change there will be a learning curve. We predict that once processes normalise that the efficiencies gained will deliver real value and benefits for all.

Benefits of PBS in the Portal:

  • More efficient for assessors and certifiers - reduce duplication, provides in built validation, in built support and makes it easier to submit applications without concerns over email size.
  • Improve efficiency of the NHVR PBS team.
  • Increased transparency in case processing.
  • Digital records will enable data analysis and assist in removing inconsistencies allowing this industry data to become a tool to inform and improve.
  • Signals a move towards automation of some approval steps - we recognise that there is often a need to repeat steps multiple times and aim to develop a tool that delivers consistent results that establish confidence and trust allowing removal of further repetitive processes.
  • Provides a consistent experience – one regulator, tool and data collection.
  • Assists in getting vehicles on the road faster, allowing improved outcomes for industry.
  • Open data – APIs. NHVR data and services are visible to enable industry use and development, improved planning.

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