Release 9.7.0 - 21 July 2021

Release 9.7.0 - 21 July 2021

The NHVR Portal will be updated with Release 9.7.0 from 4.00 pm (AEST - Brisbane time) on Wednesday 21/07/2021.

See if you're using the latest version of the portal by checking the Release Number/ Version.


Watch our webinar for demonstrations of the highlights in this release.

PBS (Performance Based Standards)

  • We have now automated expiry notifications for Assessor and Certifier PBS agreements and Insurance. The process for providing updated details will continue to be completed via email. These new notifications aims to alert the user prior to expiry rather than the user finding out by being unable to lodge applications.
  • The addition of a VA transfer type for when there is a change of company name. This update is aimed to reduce the need to contact our team to complete the change of name. Spreadsheet users will receive a warning message alerting them that a new version is available.

  • Heavy Vehicle Operators can track the status of their PBS Design & Vehicle Approval applications submitted by PBS Assessors or PBS Certifiers from within the Portal. This update is aimed to reduce the need for Operators to contact Certifiers and Assessors chasing the status on applications.


  • New fields have been made available in the vehicle registration details table. These allow Heavy Vehicle Operators to view, filter and sort on a vehicles NHVAS scheme Mass and/or Maintenance module labels, and PBS Vehicle Approval numbers. These fields aim to provide a more complete view of an operators registered fleet of vehicles.


  • Operators can no longer "Close-Withdrawn" a case that is "Being Assessed". This is to reduce the amount of cases that result in a refund without notifying the NHVR. If you require a case to be "Close-Withdrawn" that is "Being Assessed" you will need to contact the Accreditation team to discuss.

  • Accreditation Operators will now only have their active vehicles displayed when applying for maintain applications. This allows users to see the correct vehicles and payment amounts for the maintain and removes room for error. 


  • We released the Vehicle registration customer API including accreditation and PBS. This first Registration Service API is available through the NHVR Developer Platform and will allow customers to retrieve registration data for all vehicles linked to their account. The NHVR Developer Platform and this first Registration Service API will provide Customers a stable and supported mechanism for programmatically assessing Portal data and integrating with their own systems.

  • The Permit and Consent Road Manager API is the first Access Service API available through the NHVR Developer platform and allows Road Manager's to retrieve consent data (technically referred to as PartnerConsents) for all consents issued to their account. The API also provides associated permit application data sets. The NHVR Developer Platform and this first Access Service API will provide Road manager's with a stable and supported mechanism for programmatically accessing Portal data and integrating with their own systems.

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