Release 9.4.0 - 21 April 2021

Release 9.4.0 - 21 April 2021

The NHVR Portal will be updated with Release 9.4.0 from 4.00 pm (AEST - Brisbane time) on Wednesday 21/04/2021.

See if you're using the latest version of the portal by checking the Release Number/ Version.


Watch our webinar for demonstrations of the highlights in this release.

Data Asset Management

  • We've been working towards the development of a new Data Asset Management (DAM) tool. Commonwealth funded asset condition assessments provide baseline information for those councils where the information doesn't exist. This tool is now available in the Portal for those who manage assets and additional assistance has been provisioned to support this release. 


  • The portal now requires the customer to select the final destination and confirm that it is the original start location. This update is aimed to reduce phone calls to the Access team when planning journeys.

  • We have made several updates to the Renewal process:
    • The default renewal period is now set to current issued permit period (at the time of issue of permit)
    • Customer renewal applications can now change and set the renewal finish date to the current issued permit period.
    • Customer renewal applications now have a set start date 1-day after current permit finish (this is set as read only).


  • We have automated the expiry warnings which are sent 6wks before the expiration to Auditors. Previously if an Auditor's insurance or license was about to expire, they were not warned and on expiry received a manually generated email and were subsequently taken off the Auditor list in the Portal.  

  • There is now automatic validation to determine a Trailer therefore stopping it from being added to Mass management. Previously when updating a vehicle on to Mass module if the operator adds Rego details but doesn't know it is a trailer it will be added to Mass, which results in a refund requiring action. This update aims to reduce work for the team.

Vehicle Standards

  • Changes have continued to be made to Crane and Dolly applications to improve flow and usability of Vehicle Standards applications for these vehicles. These include:

    • Dolly make & model fields reordered. 
    • GCM moved to Carrier section. 
    • Remove auto-populate of dolly VIN (based on crane VIN).

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