Release 7.5.0 - 17 June 2020

The NHVR Portal will be updated with Release 7.5.0 from 4.00pm (AEST - Brisbane time) on Wednesday 17/06/2020.

View the release number/ version to see if the update has been applied: Check the Release Number/ Version

Check out our Webinar for Release 7.5.0

The Webinar provides highlights about this release along with video demonstrations on how this release will benefit you.


Release 7.5.0 - 17 June 2020



  • Customer's are now able to view their list of Start/Finish dates related to Permit versions
  • The customer can now add one Start and Finish date for Single trip applications and multiple Start and Finish dates matching the number of trips entered for Multiple trip applications. When the Permit is renewed the Start and Finish dates will be refreshed.  A read only table of the Start and Finish dates with related permit versions will be view-able on a case level and permit.

  • The customer can now add Start and Finish travel dates for Single or Multi-trip permits and declare that they have completed all authorised trips on the permit. They will be unable to renew the permit or link a permit until all travel dates have been entered.  Upon renewal the permit end date will be 6 weeks from the current date if there's greater than 6 weeks remaining on the end of the permit.

Road Manager:

  • Road Managers can view the customer's list of Start/Finish dates and related Permit versions. 
  • An email notification is now sent to the Primary Contact of Road Manager accounts where a permit is issued and their consent was automatically granted because of a pre-approval.



  • The NHVAS Approved Auditors page (in the Information Hub) can now display multiple listings for an Auditor (if they are able to complete audits in multiple states)


Road Manager:

  • Road Managers can see manually drafted approval documents attached to the case by the regulator to support consultation.


  • Monthly Portal Security Check completed - providing confidence in security and performance issues.


  • Terms and Conditions have been updated.