Release 9.9.0 - 22 September 2021

Release 9.9.0 - 22 September 2021

The NHVR Portal will be updated with Release 9.9.0 from 4.00 pm (AEST - Brisbane time) on Wednesday 22/09/2021.

See if you're using the latest version of the portal by checking the Release Number/ Version.


Watch our webinar for demonstrations of the highlights in this release.

PBS (Performance Based Standards)

  • A fully digitised application process for submitting PBS Design Approval applications (for new applications). This release will transform the way PBS Design Approval applications are processed by automating parts of the assessment and approval processes. It will also make the Design Approval data available for reuse in Vehicle Approval applications. We have held dedicated testing and webinar sessions with those impacted and additional support is on hand for this transition.


  • We have added Alternate configurations (Push-pull) as part of the permit application process and the details are added to the permit that is automatically sent. This update aims to save valuable time in the processing of the permit.


  • Operators can now select the Modules they want to Maintain within the Portal, providing the ability to remove individual modules and keep those required to be maintained.

  • Validation has been added to rego numbers so that a vehicle can't be submitted for the same application twice - reducing unnecessary refunds needing to be processed.
  • Registered Training Organisations (RTO's) can decide to no longer be listed as an RTO. The NHVR Accreditation team can Deactivate an RTO which will reflect on the Customer view.

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