Manage an alternative route

Manage an alternative route

  1. Click the link in the email from NHVR or view the Information Request under Access permits > Case Tracker and click the drop-down next to Case status, set filter to includes Customer Info Req (Being Assessed).
  2. Select Route Management tab.
  3. Select Plan tab.
  4.  Click the drop-down Route history. Check the description to ensure it is showing as (insert route reference and version number).
  5. Check the route to ensure it is fit for purpose.
  6. Select Options button to view the current route and the proposed route.
  7. On the Layers tab, toggle between the current route (blue) and alternate route.
  8. Accept the route by submitting repondinglying to the email from NHVR requesting you review the alternative route.

As a customer you can create Alternate Routes but once the permit application is submitted, only the Regulator can change the Current active route on the permit application.