Manage an alternative route
Manage an alternative route
- Click the link in the email from NHVR or view the Information Request under Access permits > Case Tracker and click the drop-down next to Case status, set filter to includes Customer Info Req (Being Assessed).
- Select Route Management tab.
- Select Plan tab.
- Click the drop-down Route history. Check the description to ensure it is showing as (insert route reference and version number).
- Check the route to ensure it is fit for purpose.
- Select Options button to view the current route and the proposed route.
- On the Layers tab, toggle between the current route (blue) and alternate route.
- Accept the route by submitting repondinglying to the email from NHVR requesting you review the alternative route.
As a customer you can create Alternate Routes but once the permit application is submitted, only the Regulator can change the Current active route on the permit application.