Travel details (Step 2)

Travel details (Step 2)

  1. Select Step 2 Travel details.
  2. Enter the permit Period. Click in the box and select the date range using the pop-up calendar or enter the date in day/ month/ year format.

    The Permit Period is a maximum of three years, however, it is best to request the period the permit is actually needed for.

  3. Complete required details. Depending on the Vehicle Type, a number of field options will need to be completed regarding the vehicle's travel requirements. For example, Freight, Jurisdiction etc.

  4. Click Next.

    If there is missing information in any of the Steps, the relevant number will appear in red. These sections must be complete before you are able to submit your permit application.

    If you are renewing an existing permit, or requesting a new route for an existing vehicle with attached permits (this will be treated as an amended permit) the period will be adjusted to match the duration of the existing permits.

    Class 1, Class 3, Agriculture and SPV

    For routes taken by vehicles operating under excess mass and/or excess dimension, additional detail relating to the type and number of trips will need to be included in the permit application. This is to reduce the risk of potential damage to road infrastructure.

    This information will need to be included in permits applications for Class 1 and Class 3, agriculture, and special purpose vehicles. When calculating the number of trips, allow for an individual, single vehicle combination to undertake the journey.

    What is a single trip permit?

    The purpose of a single trip permit is to restrict access where the nature of the load or trip is not likely to be replicated by subsequent trips.

    For single trips, more than one vehicle registration can be captured on the permit to allow the operator flexibility in managing their fleet. However it is an individual, single vehicle permit not a permit for every vehicle listed to undertake a single trip. For more than one vehicle to undertake the journey, the operator needs to apply for the required number of trips (as a multi-trip) or a period permit.


    You have a fleet of 5 trucks and you applied for single trip permit listing all the REGO detail of all the vehicles, this permit only can be used once by one vehicle.

    What is a multiple trip permit?

    The purpose of a multiple trip permit is to restrict access where the nature of the load or trip is not likely to be replicated beyond a limited number of trips.

    For multiple trips, more than one vehicle registration can be captured on the permit to allow the operator flexibility in managing their fleet. However it is an individual, single vehicle permit not a permit for every vehicle listed to undertake a multiple trip. For more than one vehicle to undertake the journey, the operator needs to apply for the required number of trips (as a multi-trip) or a period permit.


    You have a fleet of 5 trucks and you applied for multiple trip permit, with 15 number of trips. Each vehicle is allowed to travel more than one trip as long as the total number of trips of all the vehicles does not exceeding 15.

    See – Route Planner (Step 3).

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