Extend a route

Extend a route

If the route you are trying to plot is not able to be dragged to a new location or continues to be plotted incorrectly; the following process may assist:

1. In Application Tracker > Route

2. The Blue drop-pin is the end waypoint trying to be reached but the system is not plotting it correctly.

3. From the waypoint where the route starts plotting incorrectly (see 2 in the image), create another waypoint by copying the previous waypoint address into the next waypoint field (removing the postcode).

4. Then drag this new waypoint to the required location.

5. If incorrect routing continues, reduce the distance the waypoint is dragged and then create another waypoint using the steps above.

6. Repeat as needed until the end waypoint of that set is reached.

7. Save and move to the next stage of the permit application.