4 Decisions Tab

4 Decisions Tab

Provide decision on a consent request.

Users (except User ‘General’ and ‘Read Only’) can provide three decision types:

  • Approval with no conditions
  • Approval with conditions
  • Refusal
  1. Navigate to the ‘Case Tracker’.
  2. Select the case using any of the table filters.
  3. Open the case.
  4. Select the Decision Tab.

Approve with no conditions

  1. Select the ‘Road Manager Request in Draft’ decision. 

  2. Under Type, check Approval.
  3. The period of the permit will automatically default to the initial request. To amend, select the date and amend on the calendar.

  4. If required, add the route for gazettal or pre-approval.

  5. Annotate information about the route including:

    • Add a road alias (searchable)
    • Add a road code (searchable)
  6. To finalise the decision, Submit Request sends the decision to the NHVR for review.

Gazettal –
Adds the requested route onto the gazette for the requested vehicle combination. This aims to reduce permit administration as it removes the need for customers to apply for a permit as they will be able to operate under notice.

Pre-Approval –
Creates a pre-approved consent for the requested route and vehicle for future applications. If the request does not have a relevant notice, this option reduces permit administration as the NHVR will not require a Road Manager's consent for every application with a specific request.

Approve with conditions

  1. Select the ‘Road Manager Request in Draft’ decision. 

  2. Under Type, check Approval With Conditions.

  3. The period of the permit will automatically default to the initial request. To amend, select the date and amend on the calendar.

  4. If required, add the route for gazettal or pre-approval.

  5. Annotate information about the route including:

    • Add a road alias (searchable)
    • Add a road code (searchable)
  6. Select Add Conditions, by either:

    OPTION 1: Adding individual conditions to the request
  7. Select the ‘Add Standard Conditions’ tab.


  8. To add a condition to the request, select the ‘Add’ button as highlighted below.

    OPTION 2: Adding a condition set to the request

  9. Select Condition Sets and add the pre-built condition set to the decision. 
  10. To finalise the decision, Submit Request sends the decision to the NHVR for review.


If no conditions can be imposed to mitigate risk, then this option can be selected.

  1. Select the ‘Road Manager Request in Draft’ decision. 

  2. Under Type, check Approval With Conditions.
  3. Tick the individual road segments being refused.

  4. Once all segments selected, click ‘Refuse Roads’.

  5. Tick the Refused checkbox.

  6. From the drop down box, select the Refusal reason.

  7. In the text box add additional refusal reasons to support the customer's understanding, such as:

    1. valid risks under the HVNL (Heavy Vehicle National Law)

    2. why the request is likely to cause such risk. 

    3. any additional information considered in the refusal decision

    A refusal should only be issued if there is no conditions that can be imposed to mitigate identified risks. 

  8. To finalise the decision, Submit Request sends the decision to the NHVR for review.

View other Road Manager decisions

  1. Go to Case Tracker and select the relevant Case 

  2. Scroll down to the Road Manager Decisions section, which can be expanded using the arrow on the right.
  3. To view, find the Road Manager and expand the section further using the expand/ collapse arrow.

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