Export to PDFs and CSVs

Export to PDFs and CSVs

Exporting to PDF

Reports t can be exported into a PDF, with a range of options enabling the user to indicate what they would like to export (e.g., include page break for each registration, include the Customer Account Number, ect.). 

To export the report into a PDF you must: 

  1. Navigate to the 'Registration Details' table
  2. Select the records you would like to view in the report using the check boxes on the side of the table
  3. Click on the 'Tab Options ' button
  4. In the drop down menu, select 'Export to PDF (with options)'

This export function is only available within Customer accounts, a Regulator user must use the impersonation functionality to use this.

Page Break (up to 200 rows)
  • This option exports a maximum of 200 records, it will take into account any filters you have applied on the table at the time of generation.
  • Will put a page break in after each registration record
Export all registration fields
  • Yes - the export will include all 56 registration fields (VIN, Plate, Garage Address, etc.) for each record

  • No - the export will only include those registration fields (VIN, Plate, Garage Address, etc.) displayed in the table at point of generation for each record
Display Account Number
  • Checked - the export will not include the Customer Account Numbers of each of the linked registration accounts displayed in the report

  • Un-Checked - the export will include the Customer Account Numbers of each of the linked registration accounts displayed in the report

Exporting to CSV

Reports can be exported into a CSV.

To export the report into a CSV you must: 

  1. Navigate to the 'Registration Details' table
  2. Click on the 'Tab Options ' button
  3. In the drop down menu, select 'Export current view'  to export only the records visible in the table view; or select 'Export to CSV (all rows)' to PDF (with options)' to export all registration records linked to the customer account.

The Export Library

To view and open exports, click on the Export library menu.  Both PDF and CSV exports can be viewed by clicking on the file name.   Larger PDF exports are broken into multiple files of 500 records to ensure that the PDF file can be opened by the user.  Exports can be archived by selecting the relevant export and clicking on the 'Archive' button.  

Exports that are smaller than a 100 rows will be generated almost immediately and will be accessible from the Export Library window.  Larger exports will be queued and an email notification will be sent when the export is complete.  This reduces performance issues for Portal users when large exports have been requested.  An email notification will be sent when the export file has been generated and is available in the Export library window.Archived exports can be viewed on the 'Archive' tab.  Exports can be returned to the 'Active' tab by selecting the archived export and clicking on the 'Un-archive' button.

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