1 Case Details Tab

Overview of case details page

The Case Details page provides a summary of all case information about the application to inform Road Manager consent, and includes record-keeping features. An overview of the case details is provided in the side bar.

Details include:

  • Vehicle / load
  • Vehicle list
  • Permit details
  • Route / area details
  • Road manager decisions
  • Conditions
  • Notes
  • Attachments
  • Additional information
  • Payment details

To view information under each section, use the toggle button on the right to expand or collapse the section.

Print or Save

  1. Select Print to export all information in all sections for a full account of the case. This document can be printed or saved as a PDF.
  2. Includes Overview, Applicant Details, Vehicle / load, Vehicle list, Permit details, Permit period, Route / area details, Roads flagged for your approval, Route summary, Roads flagged for other Road Managers, Road Manager decisions, Conditions, Notes, Attachments, Additional information, Payment details.


  1. When a consent is finalised, it is recommended that the final version is downloaded using the process outlined above, and saved in your organisation's records management system.
  2. The reporting tools can also be used to manage consent approvals etc.
  3. All information within the portal will be permanently available and accessible at any time. There is no archiving process that will limit your view of the case details in the future.

Exporting / extracting data

  1. Case history by timeline - Use the Timeline tab to view a full case / audit history, by event, in a timeline view. This information can be printed to PDF.
  2. Extracting data - Using the Case Tracker table, select the All tab to view all cases and records against cases. Click the drop down on Tab Options to view exporting options - Export current view or Export all rows (up to 10,000 records). This information may be imported to your own system if required.