2 Case Management Tab

2 Case Management Tab

The Case Management page is where the main interaction with the case occurs. The Case Management tools enable you to manage workflow and assign tasks to people within your team in relation to the case.

  1. To begin an assessment select the CASE MANAGEMENT tab and click the green 'Start Assessment' button. This tells the system, the customer and the regulator that assessment has commenced and starts the 28 day period.
  2. Add a worknote that assessment has commenced.
  3. The case status will change from NEW to ASSESSMENT - visible in the case header information.

Requests tab

Use the REQUESTS tab to:

  • Request an extension of time (EOT)
    • Complete dates
    • Save as draft or submit
    • Case Status will change to REQUEST RECEIVED - UNDER REVIEW (in blue, with the regulator)

Submit an alternate route to a customer

    1. Click the INFORMATION REQUEST button
    2. Select template for Alternate Route Proposal
    3. Select the alternate route you created
    4. Click SUBMIT
    5. This will send the information request (in this case an alternate route for consideration) back to the regulator.
    6. The case status will change to REQUEST RECEIVED - UNDER REVIEW (in blue, with the regulator).

Notes tab

Use the NOTES tab to:

  • View a list of all notes created for the case.
  • Add note - select Add Note on right hand side to add a case note. Files can be attached to notes as required using Add File button.

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