Registration Service

Registration Service

From 1 October 2018, heavy vehicle operators will be able to access details of their registered assets free of charge on the NHVR Portal. Participating jurisdictions will provide this read-only information—including the status, expiry date and jurisdiction of each registration—to the NHVR.

Northern Territory vehicle details will not be available through the Portal for the time being. 

Operators will be able to:

  • confirm that details recorded by jurisdictions align with their own records
  • check registration changes and transfers have been processed correctly
  • forecast registration renewals and costs
  • download or print vehicle records to provide to other parties in the supply chain.

Operators will not be able to make changes to registration information through the Portal and should continue to direct any queries about or corrections to registration information to their state transport authority.

Please allow up to 48 hours for jurisdictional updates to be visible in the NHVR Portal - Registration Service.