Registration Data Holding Certificate
Customers can request a certified copy of registration records held in the NHVR database. The certificate is a signed hard copy/paper report of all the registration details held by the NHVR relating to a particular account. The certificate is only current at the date and time that the certificate was generated.
The certificate cannot be used for legal transactions like buying or selling of assets or proof of ownership. Customers requiring legal documents should contact the relevant jurisdiction.
The NHVR cannot warrant that the information sent by the jurisdictions at the time was correct. The certificate only warrants that the information contained in the NHVR database was true and correct at the date and time that the certificate was printed.
There is a fee of $48 to produce the paper/hard copy record.
Customers must complete the 'Request Certified Copy' application form and send it to the NHVR to begin the process. The application form can be found on the NHVR website or within the NHVR Portal under the 'Registrations Service' in the 'Request Certified Copy' page or from the NHVR website Registration Data Holding Certificate Request form.