Navigate the Home Screen
Navigate the Home Screen
Overview of initial landing page for Road Manager Portal
The Home screen can be viewed in:
- Menu Layout
- Dashboard Layout
Menu Layout
Shows a tile view of the options available:
- Access Permits - Manage access permits
- Information Hub - Public access information tools and knowledge bases
- Account - Account management functions and settings
- My profile - Update your user profile
- Logout
Dashboard Layout
The dashboard provides an overview of current cases for the account.
Live case tracker
Show a live infographic of cases and where they are in the process:
- New - new consent requests
- Assessment - consent requests currently under assessment
- Decision under review - currently under review by the regulator
Open cases
Personalised view of cases assigned to the individual and the required action:
- Permit Case number - permit case number assigned to the application
- Application type - eg. OSOM, HML, B-Double
- Workflow state - eg. new, assigned, customer information request etc.
- Due Date - date consent request is due
Displays lower level tasks that have created a notification for action to support workflow management:
- Read flag
- Permit Case No
- Notification subject - activity subject
- Notification status - eg. New, cancelled, completed etc.
You can filter the information displayed in the Open Cases and Notifications sections on the Home page using the drop down toggle options to display filter options.
Select a Permit Case No to view that case.