Add custom conditions

Add custom conditions

Custom conditions are those conditions that are not available in the conditions library of the NHVR Portal and are therefore created by the road manager to manage a specific risk on a consent.

If you would like the NHVR to review your custom conditions separate to the consent process, you can submit them to RM.Enquiries@nhvr.gov.au at any time.

If approved on review, the NHVR will add your custom conditions to the Conditions Library.

Previously, you could upload a word document with your custom condition/s. Now Road Managers (Supervisors and above) can now add Custom Conditions to your Conditions Library within the NHVR Portal. 

  1. Search the standard conditions available in the Conditions Library.
  2. If a standard condition is not available that meets your requirements, create a custom condition.
  3. Complete the details of your custom condition. Any Custom Condition is available immediately to use on a consent, with Regulator ‘pending approval’ label.
  4. Apply the custom condition to your consent (Case Tracker> Decisions Tab).
  5. The custom condition will be automatically submitted for review when the consent is processed.
  6. The Custom Condition will be checked by NHVR to make sure:
    a)      It complies with the HVNL

    b)     It’s not already covered in another law

    c)      It complies with vehicle type

    d)     The condition is relevant to the combination

    e)      It is not a duplicate of another existing condition.

  7. If approved by NHVR, the Custom Condition will be added to your Conditions Library for use on future consents.

NOTE: From December, the NHVR will not be manually adding custom conditions from uploaded documents. Please support this transition by using the standard conditions and creating custom conditions.

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