What is a legal representative?
Note: *The Legal Representative for an ACN registered company can be a current director, nominated executive and for an individual is the name that the accreditation is granted
To establish accreditation or add a module to an accreditation the form must be signed by a company director or the individual applying for accreditation.
Administrators cannot nominate a legal representative; it is a user action.
Steps for a user nominating as a legal representative
The Legal Representative must be added as a "User" and login to the account where they can then declare them self as the Legal Representative.
This requires the Legal Representative to be setup in the portal as one of the Administrators of the account.
Where the User is new user on the account then one of the existing account Administrators must add the User to the account providing them an Administrator role.
Once logged in an existing or new User (who is an Administrator of the Customer Account) can add or update the account Legal Representative by completing the following steps:
From the menu navigate to Account → Manage customer account

Scroll down the Manage customer account page to the Contact details section. Open the section by clicking on the section or the arrow on the right.

As long as the user is not already declared as the Legal Representative the 'Change primary representative' or 'Add primary representative' button will be available. Clicking on this button and confirming in the popup window will change or add the User as the Legal Representative.
Currently there can be two Legal Representative Users at any one time.