NSW – Alternate configuration journey permit – Truck mounted cranes

NSW – Alternate configuration journey permit – Truck mounted cranes

  1. From the side navigation, click on ‘Application tracker’.
  2. Click on the ‘New Application’ button, on the right of the screen.
  3. In the pop-up window enter your reference details, this can be a permit name or any internal reference for your application.
  4. Click on ‘Select Configuration’ and then click on the heading ‘Permit Schemes’.
  5. Select the NSW – Alternate configuration journey permit – Truck mounted cranes’ permit scheme.
  6. Complete the rest of the fields on the ‘Vehicle’ step of the permit application and then select the ‘Next’ to move onto the Route step of the permit application. 

    Ensure you select the crane that you are using by navigating through the components list located on the ‘Component’ sub tab.

  7. Enter your route details using the mapping tool.
  8. On the ROADS tab, add any route notes to either the road (by clicking on the road name).
  9. Or add notes to the application under the CONFIRM tab, then tick the confirmation box and SAVE to progress to the next step in your application.

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