NHVR's Route Planner Mapping Tool

NHVR's Route Planner Mapping Tool

As part of the replacement of the permit system, the NHVR has created a new mapping tool to allow transport operators to plan their journeys for effectively.  The Route Planner product has been embedded in the NHVR Portal and is used during permit application process, but in the next few weeks, it will become the one and only way to plan your journeys.

As part of this change, the 'Journey Planner' product that has been in place since February 2014 will become unavailable to transport operators and be requested now to use the Route Planner.

Essentially, the functions that were available in Journey Planner have now been delivered in the Route Planner product, along with a range of enhancements over the legacy mapping tool. These include:

  • Start Finish and additional waypoints can be moved using a drag and drop function. 

  • Using the Google Maps basemap, including the aerial and aerial hybrid view.

  • Google Maps Street View is now a feature of the product – simply click on the Google styled gold figure.

  • Route turn-by-turn is now displayed as a simple list of road names with the start and end points clearly articulated.

  • Clicking on a road from the route summary highlights the road on the map (and vice versa) and zoom in.

  • Prepared routes can be saved only once you have logged into the full NHVR Portal, but existing JP ID’s can be consumed.

  • Map layers display has been revised and updated - the data remains the same but you can filter layers by criteria (eg. HML). 

  • Map layers are also automatically filtered during the application lodgement process to only show relevant layers.

  • It is fully integrated into the NHVR Portal – as a stand-alone product or for access permit processing.

  • Printing features have been completely revised to improve their application.

Over the next few weeks, there will be messaging on the NHVR website advising of the changes and outlining what to do to get ready.  If you have been using the NHVR Portal to plan and apply for permits, then the change should have limited impact.  Looking forward to keeping you updated over the coming weeks.

Click here to access the NHVR's Route Planner: https://www.service.nhvr.gov.au/#page=informationHub/routePlannerTool 

Outlined below is a quick view around the Route Planner product:

  1. In the NHVR Portal, click on the Information Hub > Route Planner Tool.
  2. Select the Start and Destination Address for the journey.
  3. Use the Layer Icon to turn on various network layers or mapping features.
  4. You can also click on the Mapping Icon to place a new waypoint or move it's location.

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