Overview of a User

Overview of a User

Users on your Account

It is recommended that you have a minimum of users on your account.

A user:

  • Must register themselves to the Portal; 

  • Is uniquely identified in the Portal by their email address.

  • Can be invited without being a registered user but to accept the invitation the person invited must complete their user registration;

A user may be associated with one or more accounts in the portal:

  • There is no limit to the number accounts a user can be a member of
  • A user can be a member of any type of account, e.g., user 1 can be a member of all three account types Customer, Regulator and Partner;
  • A user can have different permissions in each account, e.g., Administrator, General, Read Only, etc.;
  • A user can have alternate contact details for each account.

NOTE: All account configuration and invitations can only be done by an administrator.

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