Frequently Asked Questions
What has changed with the NHVR Route Planner?
The NHVR has integrated OpenStreetMap (OSM) into the NHVR Portal as the Route Planner Tool for the Information Hub and Access Permits.
What is OpenStreetMap?
OpenStreetMap is a free, editable map released with an open-content license.
What is an OpenStreetMap Open-Content License?
The OpenStreetMap License provides access to mapping images and underlying map data to promote new uses, such as identifying, managing, and displaying routes, networks, and road infrastructure.
What does OpenStreetMap Open-Content mean?
Open content is material, such as images and data that may be freely and legally reproduced, edited, expanded, republished, or removed.
What benefit does OSM provide?
OSM allows the NHVR and its stakeholders, such as Road Managers, to build, update and share information specifically relating to mapping and routing.
Why has the NHVR switched from HERE Maps to OpenStreetMap?
OSM offers a significant increase in routing and data capture as it no longer relies on a 3rd party provider. OSM also provides the NHVR and Road Managers with a close to real-time environment to efficiently manage their responsible roads, infrastructure, and associated data.
Why is OpenStreetMap important for the future?
The OSM platform supports the NHVR’s future enhancements for mapping and routing for heavy vehicles, such as intelligent routing, route barrier or funnelling options, and the potential to export the data to your personal navigation device.
Why does OpenStreetMap look and feel similar?
The NHVR Portal continues to provide the same integrated mapping resources and tools with no change to existing functionality.
Can I still change layers and maps in OpenStreetMap?
You can still view and toggle the various network layers and populate routes and route IDs as an example. The change has only occurred to the colouring of the maps and a new look to the map base layer.
What impact will this have on the Heavy Vehicle Industry?
There is no significant change to the NHVR Portal Route Planner. In fact, using OSM allows the NHVR, Road Managers and other stakeholders to get far more hands-on with your access request. OSM will enable all stakeholders to collect and redistribute heavy vehicle access spatial data (mapping) for future endeavours, such as the potential inclusion of roads to road networks.
What impact will this have on the Road Managers?
OSM is an NHVR community mapping effort to help bridge the gaps in heavy vehicle access. It provides Road Managers with wiki-style collaborative editing software, which means that the maps will keep growing bigger and better fromall from all the data that is collected over time.
Am I able to help with the OpenStreetMap’s?
As OSM is open data, anyone can advise of inaccuracies or outdated data on the OSM Maps. Please click here for more information on becoming part of the OSM community.
Why is there more Road Managers on my route than before?
The transition from HERE maps to OpenStreetMap may cause e NHVR Portal to display additional Road Managers not required for your access request. This is a short-term issue while the NHVR updates the responsible road and infrastructure ownership.
As OSM offers near real-time updates, the ownership data will be updated and stored for future use for all stakeholders.
How do I know I will not be directed into a tunnel illegally if I am a truck with dangerous goods?
OpenStreetMap contains turn restrictions on intersections within the map and our routing engine takes note of this when building routes. However, where turn restrictions are not yet mapped on OSM they may then not be reflected in the routes. Therefore, inform drivers that they are to obey all turn restrictions signposted when they are driving.
How do I know I will not hit a bridge if it is too low? Does the intelligent routing function pick up on this?
In the pilot version we will not have bridges and bridge heights mapped across the network so please read bridge height signs and obey them.
Can I view all approved routes for a permit on a single map?
Yes. When you have opened a permit via Access Permits -> Permit Library.
The Permit Details -> Permit Routes will give you the option to "Load Approved Routes". Just be aware, some permits contain large amounts of route data so please be patient.
How do I know it is snapping to a network?
In the Next Generation Route Planner you can to turn on the network layers within the layers icon on the top right of the map. Turn on the required network and use this to assess whether the route is aligning to available HV networks.